
如有查詢,請聯絡 如心園 ,電郵:ninapark@chinachemgroup.com

喜迎新春,如心園推出多款融入傳統節慶元素同中華文化精髓嘅主題工作坊!透過「動手做」探索式學習,同小朋友一齊認識傳統手藝,訓練手眼協調同創作力。參與工作坊後,意猶未盡?行埋園區欣賞木化石藏品,探索大自然奧秘,體驗「娛+學」樂趣 !
立即報名 👉 https://bit.ly/40e28Iy


📅 1月19、25日


📅 1月17日


📅 1月24日


📅 1月18、26日

📍 地址︰荃灣楊屋道8號(荃灣西港鐵站C3出口)

Celebrate the New Year with Nina Park’s new thematic workshops that blend traditional festive elements with the essence of Chinese culture! Through hands-on learning, you and your little ones will dive into a world of exquisite crafts, enhancing hand-eye coordination and sparking creativity. Still eager for more after the workshops? Stroll through the park to marvel at the stunning wood fossil collection, uncover the wonders of nature, and relish the joy of “edutainment”!
Sign up now and let the fun begin! 👉 https://bit.ly/3Wf8YMV

Mini Floral Plaques Workshop

📅 19, 25 Jan

New Year Crystal Workshop

📅 17 Jan

Lacquer Fan Workshop
📅 24 Jan

Cloisonné Enamel Painting Workshop
📅 18, 26 Jan

📍 Address: 8 Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen Wan (Tsuen Wan West MTR Station Exit C3)`