黃孝逵 入峽



Wong Hau Kwei – Enter the Gorges


Wong Hau Kwei was born in Chongqing, China, in 1946 and graduated from China Textile University in Shanghai in 1969. Wong learnt painting from the master Wang Zhou and deeply influenced by him. In 1978, Wong moved to Hong Kong, he was the visiting artist of Shenzhen Fine Art institute and the current board member of Chinese Painting institute. Wong won numerous awards including: Hong Kong Achievement Award in Contemporary Art Awards in 2012; Hong Kong Contemporary Art Award in the years of 2001 and 2009; twice winner of Secretary for Home Affairs’ Commendations; and awards in the 9th and 10th in the National Exhibition of Arts in China. Wong has many works collected by various museums and galleries and his work “Moving Clouds and Waters in the Three Gorges” was selected by the National Art Museum of China to include in the centennial publication “Chinese Art in the 20th Century”.