
        香港中華文化發展聯合會(Hong Kong Chinese Culture Development Association,HKCCDA,簡稱「文聯會」)為2007年在香港註冊成立的非牟利機構。文聯會的成立,旨在:凝聚有志推廣及發展中華文化的各界人士;為促進中華文化發展事業提供人才、資訊與合作的平台;聯合社會各界精英與中、小、幼學界,主辦和參與各項文化藝術活動,以共同推廣中華文化。




文聯會合作伙伴 2024/25








Hong Kong Chinese Culture Development Association

The Hong Kong Chinese Culture Development Association (HKCCDA) is a non-profit organization established in 2007 in Hong Kong. Our missions are to gather individuals and passionate towards developing and promoting Chinese culture; provide talents, information, and cooperative platforms for development of Chinese culture; organize and participate in a range of events and cultural activities aimed to promote Chinese culture through uniting elites across different industries and schools.

The HKCCDA is governed through a board of directors and executive committee. Current chairman of the board of directors is Prof. Paul Yip Kwok-wah, Chairman of the Hong Kong Policy Research Institute. Mr. Ng Tak-kay, honorary president of the Hok Yau Club, currently acts as the chairman of the executive committee. Members of the board of directors, advisors and executive committee are elite individuals strongly interested and has significant attainments in the field of Chinese culture, with backgrounds ranging across education, politics, commerce, and culture.

We strive to organize diverse cultural events and activities, such as cultural tours, lectures, exhibitions, themed culture festivals, competitions, and training opportunities, aimed at promoting the heritage and prospering of Chinese culture in Hong Kong. We welcome all interested individuals, organizations and schools to become a member, please visit our membership page for more information. In order to increase teachers, students and parents’ knowledge and interests, we are also providing school-based Chinese cultural activities, supporting schools with their staff development days and other events. Schools are welcomed to request for details here.